Our Harbor is Our Home

Melikian Family PowerSong

Our Harbor is Our Home

We love to live it up
Ana, Bella, Jim and Puff
Ice cream, steak and wine
Adventure every time
We laugh and cry and play
Count our blessings along the way
Whether we’re together
Or alone
Our harbor is our home.

©2020 Lowry Olafson and Ana, Bella and James Melikian

Our Harbor is Our Home

by Performed by Lowry Olafson | PowerSongs.ca

Melikian Family

Video VisionBoard

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Sing-along Video

Our Harbor is Our Home


Click arrow to sing-along with the melody.

PowerSong in Action

The Melikian Family PowerSong – excerpts from the songwriting session, comments and a live perfromance by Lowry Olafson

Here's WHY you'll want to Sing your PowerSong OFTEN...

The more you sing your song, the more impact it will have.